IN FOCUS: Seagrass Squares


Say hello to our latest arrival — Square Seagrass Samples. We understand that choosing the right rug for your interior can be a challenging task, which is why we offer you the opportunity to try before you buy. In this week's Journal post, we'll explore the multiple ways you can use our Seagrass Square Rug samples to elevate your home, customise your rug, or ensure its longevity. Let's dive in!


1. Try Before You Buy

We acknowledge that finding the perfect rug for your space can be challenging when buying online. Which is why our design team introduced our Seagrass Square Samples into the range. You can now experience the texture, tone, and overall feel of the rug before committing to a full-sized purchase. 

What's even better is that these samples are fully redeemable if you decide to purchase a full-sized seagrass rug afterward. We prioritise your satisfaction and want you to be completely happy with your choice.


2. Customisation Made Easy

We believe that your home should be a reflection of your personal style, and our Seagrass Square Samples are here to make customisation a breeze. If you have a specific area in mind that requires a rug of a different size, don't worry! You can easily increase the length or width of your rug by purchasing additional square samples and attaching them together using a simple hand stitch.

This DIY customisation approach not only allows you to create a rug that fits your space perfectly but also adds a unique flair to your home. Whether it's a small nook or a spacious living area, our Seagrass Square Samples make it possible to craft a tailored rug that’s as distinctive as your style.


3. Sustainable Solution for Longevity

At Imprint House, we believe in responsible and sustainable practices. Our Seagrass Square Samples extend the overall lifespan of your rug. Seagrass is known for its hard-wearing and durable properties, but we understand that accidents happen, especially in homes with pets and children.

Instead of having to replace the entire rug, you can now easily replace a single square. This not only saves you money but also promotes sustainable living by over-consumption. 

Explore our full Seagrass Rug Collection online now or shop our NEW Seagrass Square Samples today!



Simply grab your favourite pair of scissors to cut your desired squares away to create a custom size rug, made just for you. Follow the twine binding for the most seamless removal. Make sure to save these squares! They come in handy as damage replacement, or they can be stiched together to form an entrance mat too!



Grab a thick needle and some twine. Use a simple straight stitch to sew together your new Seagrass Squares to your exisiting Seagrass Rug. Tip: you can also use this technique to stitch two existing rugs together to create 1 extra large rug for your space!