What started out as an interiors blog about eight years ago has morphed into regular work as a stylist and photographer, as well as a product designer for Annaleena Leino Karlsson, who is based in Sweden. After starting the eponymous site she won a competition to study at Beckmans Akademi in 2011 and about the same time began creating her own products, including a series of clothes hangers and more recently magazine racks. All of her designs are handmade in Sweden. Next up Annaleena hopes to create a design studio where people with different craft skills can collaborate. “I love to be surrounded by beautiful environments,” she says. “And since I can’t affect nature - seasons come and go as they wish - I've found another way to impact the milieu around me through interiors.”

Which five words best describe you? Energetic, empathic, visionary, creative, enjoyer of life!

How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I started out with creating an interiors blog, which got many followers. Then I got educated at Beckmans, and after that my brand has expanded almost by itself. I’ve stayed very consistent in my style, though. 

What’s the best lesson you've learnt along the way? To wait, actively. And hard work pays off.

What’s your proudest career achievement? To see my design in other people’s homes.

What’s been your best decision? Hiring my assistant Emmie. It has made me free to create and to not be occupied with administrating the business.

Who inspires you? Fayetoogood. Lotta Agaton [interview].  Other creative stylists. And my husband.

What are you passionate about? To create, to come up with something new. I love that feeling.

Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I find Jesus interesting: he started as a carpenter, but ended up creating a new world religion. An entrepreneur of that kind would be exciting to meet! 

What dream do you still want to fulfil? I'd love to start a design studio, where creative collaborations can take place. To gather creative gifts and different trades and crafts under one roof. 

What are you reading? I read fashion magazines as well as daily newspapers and interior magazines.

images courtesy of annaleena leino karlsson