July 02, 2012
illustrator janelle burger
The internet can launch careers. Little over two years ago Janelle Burger was living in Fremantle in Western Australia and decided to upload her illustrations onto Tumblr. Since then she has had commissions from across the globe, including Vogue Girl Korea and Net-a-porter magazine. She now lives in Paris, making a living from her illustrations. Some of her work is available via Etsy.
Which five words best describe you? Small, brown, happy, talkative, impatient.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I started putting my illustrations on Tumblr for my friends and family to see what I've been up to creatively and I never took it seriously at all. Pretty soon I started getting emails from people asking to buy my illustrations and do commission work. I just went with it and now I'm starting to get some decent work. Funny how the internet can change your life a little.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? The best lesson I've learnt is to always sign a contract with clients. You never know what may happen.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Being featured in the Net-a-porter magazine.
What’s been your best decision? Moving to Paris. It's opened up a whole new world and life for me and my work.
Who inspires you? Anyone who doesn't take anything too seriously.
What are you passionate about? My family, food, film, illustration, fashion.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Jack Nicholson
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Pastry chef
What are you reading? Me talk pretty one day by David Sedaris
images courtesy of janelle burger