photographer michael graydon

During a family holiday in British Columbia in Canada, Michael Graydon was passed a Pentax Spotmatic by his father. He was 16 at the time and has been taking photographs ever since. Initially he went to live in London to assist other photographers before returning to Canada. He is now based in Toronto, and often collaborates with his girlfriend Nikole Herriott, who I interviewed in 2008 here.
Which five words best describe you? Kind, loyal, particular, passionate and patient.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? My father passed down his Pentax Spotmatic when I was a teenager and I haven’t stopped taking pictures since.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? To trust my instincts.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Teaching myself photography and making a living at it for 20 years.
What’s been your best decision? I’m not sure it’s my best, but I recently made the decision to overhaul my website. The process led to some reflection on my work and in turn showed me what’s really important to me photographically. The result is a collection of images that truly illustrates what I’m about.
Who inspires you? My girlfriend Nikole Herriott, who I collaborate with frequently. Her style is the real deal. She pushes herself in a way that inspires me to do the same.
What are you passionate about? All kinds of things; music, film, light, baseball, auto racing, love. I am passionate about what lies beneath more than what is on top.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Ayrton Senna
What dream do you still want to fulfill? To travel more. To me, nothing is more inspiring than walking out my front door.
What are you reading? Errol Morris - Believing is seeing: (observations on the mysteries of photography)
images courtesy of michael graydon