July 27, 2011
orson & blake's david heimann

It's a testament to David Heimann, and his business partner (and mother), Mandy Heimann, that their homewares emporium Orson & Blake has not only been going strong for 20 years, but that it is continuing to expand. In 2000 they opened a store in Surry Hills, and three years ago they launched The OB Collection, a homewares range. David is very hands on with the business, and well-known and respected in the interiors industry. He may also be familiar to some of you as the host of Channel 9's TV show HomeMade.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I started out in fashion with Robert Burton, spent time in London working with various retailers and designers then came home to the role of creative director at Orson & Blake which requires overseeing the product development of our homewares range OB Collection, our new apparel range as well as buying and merchandising for our two stores.
What’s the best lesson you have learnt along the way? To accept change, to create breathing space and always embrace and enjoy the moment.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Seeing Orson & Blake into it’s 20th year and with many projects being delivered as well as on the drawing board.
What’s been your best decision? To create a lifestyle where work, pleasure and family time interlink seamlessly with ease.
Who inspires you? Traditional artisans who have passed on their skills and knowledge through the generations, because their art endures and so easily blends with contemporary pieces.
What are you passionate about? I’ve always loved cooking and eating, going to the market, preparing and indulging, it brings such joy and pleasure. I also adore spending time away from the city, in the bush or at the coast being surrounded by nature is the greatest source of inspiration and extremely cathartic.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Living: Louise Bourgeois is one of the greatest living 20th Century sculptors. I adore her fluid shapes referenced from nature. From what I have read she is a real character. I think her take on life would be fascinating.
Dead: I would love to hear stories about love and family from my great grandparents. I think spending time with painter Picasso over lunch and a glass of wine in his studio would be wonderful. I have followed his life since a young child. I think of him as a genius.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? To grow Orson & Blake into a great Australian brand in a global market.
What are you reading? Anything by Dr Zeus with my children Joon and Seong - out loud.
images courtesy of orson & blake