June 29, 2011
workshop preview: rachel castle

This week I'm previewing people who have managed to turn a business idea into a successful product in the design world. They have all created online shopping spaces, and used different means to get their brand message out to the market. All the people featured this week will be sharing their experiences and knowledge at the Daily Imprint "Live a creative life" workshops. The third FREE session will be How to create a successful online business on Thursday 4 August, 6.30pm at Apple, Bondi. If you can please rsvp to natalie[at]nataliewalton.com Otherwise, just turn up on the night. Now, meet Rachel Castle, who has created a range of bedding and artworks that are featured regularly in leading design publications...
After working in London and setting up a design and branding agency there - where she created catalogues for Conran Shops - Rachel Castle has returned to Sydney and established CASTLE, which produces beautiful bedlinen and handcrafted artworks (with the help of her mother Jillian Patching). In a short time her products have become the most featured in Australian magazines.
Which five words best describe you? Beautiful, smart, hilarious, fascinating and modest (joke). Loyal, fastidious, persistent, reliable and sometimes chaotic from what I'm told!
What was your first job and what path have you taken since? Marketing the homeware range at Country Road in the late eighties, working with Terence Conran and then our own branding agency in the UK during the nineties, back home in Australia the last few years working with artist David Band in Melbourne before starting CASTLE in Sydney in 2008.
What's your proudest achievement? My marriage - it's hard yakka staying married to the person you love!
Who inspires you? My beautiful, funny little children, and all the colour they bring to our lives.
What are you passionate about? All the ings... sewing, printing, painting, knitting, cooking, and especially, my all time favourite, singing.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? If you want the bed made nicely don't ask your husband to do it.
Which living person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Shane McGowan and Kirsty McColl together.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Going on holiday with my best friend when she finally finishes her PHD sometime this CENTURY!
What are you reading? Independence Day by Richard Ford
images courtesy of CASTLE