August 12, 2010
writer & filmmaker kirsty de garis

Every now and then I meet someone who is living my dream life. And when I talk about dream life, I'm talking about living out the deep-seated desires I've had since I was a child. Kirsty de Garis is a writer who has worked at The Observer newspaper in the UK and Belle magazine in Australia. Currently she is a regular contributor for Vogue Living. But the killer punch is that in Kirsty's "spare" time she has created one of my favourite documentaries of recent times - Celebrity: Dominick Dunne (I've had a writerly crush on this Vanity Fair writer for I don't know how many years). Not only that, but when I met her recently she told me about the next doco she wants to film. And, yes, it's another one of my idols. I admire that she's taken the plunge and just jumped in with both feet.
Which five words best describe you? Tall, nerdy, that's about it really.
What was your first career/job and what path have you taken since? My first proper job was as an art buyer for a London advertising agency. I didn't last very long it before going to The Observer, where I started off opening post and researching and worked my way up to writing. I left newspapers a few years ago and directed my first film - a documentary.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? If the odds are not in your favour, do it anyway.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Completing my first film. I did it with a LOT of help (and it would never have happened otherwise), but to finally finish it was worth all the lost sleep and kilos from the stress.
What’s been your best decision? Leaving safe, full-time employment. Who inspires you? My husband Tim (who made the film with me), Julian Schnabel, Cameron Crowe.
What are you passionate about? Great ideas. Ethical eating, combating animal cruelty. And books and film.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I'd have liked to have asked Sir Edmund Hillary about that first ascent. I read his book about it but he wasn't a natural writer. I'd have loved to see the light in his eyes when he talked about it.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Oh there are so many. I would need five lifetimes. I'd like to write some screenplays and have them made (by somebody else).
What are you reading? The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I'm only up to chapter five (and they're short ones) but I was lent it from a friend whose opinion I trust and she says it's wonderful.
images courtesy of kirsty de garis