May 05, 2010
blogger & designer anna rummey

It's a funny world we live in when you can discover the work of an Australian via an American blog. But that's how I discovered Anna Rummey. I have to confess that sometimes I feel a little weird checking in on someone's world that I don't know - but there's something calming and beautiful about her site. And I wish I could go back and re-do my wedding pics and have a little more like fun - like in her's. Anna is also an illustrator.
Which five words best describe you? Happy, particular, loyal, humorous, sensitive.
What was your first career job and what path have you taken since? I worked as a web designer while I was still at uni (I initially studied Multimedia) and found I loved the design part so much I applied at the NSD and was accepted for a post grad design course. I managed to get a job at a small ad agency in Melbourne, and after a couple of years moved to London where I worked at various design studios and advertising agencies. Since moving back to Australia I've been freelancing, and trying to focus on other side projects. My passion has shifted slightly to photography, as I love being able to use my composition skills to capture a moment. I'm hoping to focus on this over the next few years.
What’s the best lesson you learnt along the way? How to communicate my ideas to clients. To convey clearly what's in my head to people who have no design knowledge. To present my work rationally and confidently.
What’s your proudest career achievement? I was working at The Nest in London, and we were working on a project for one of our clients, a large bookstore chain called Waterstone's. It was to design a brand for their 25th Birthday, and my design was chosen and I got to work it up and it was in all the store windows around the UK. That was exciting, but the part that made me proud was that our creative director at the time was so happy with the work I had done. He was a great boss and we all loved working with him so I felt proud to have done a good job.
What’s been your best decision? To move back to Sydney after living in London for 5 years. London was so much fun, but I feel so much more relaxed and healthy for living here.
Who inspires you? My husband for his drive, determination and encouragement. A slew of writers, designers, illustrators and photographers including Tove Jansson, Josef Muller-Brockmann, Charles Harper and Tim Walker. All the creative crafty mamas out there who raise children, sew, knit, cook and have time to produce inspiring blogs.
What are you passionate about? Photography. Simple living. Healthy food. Swimming. Living by the ocean. Nature. Family. Children's books. Home birth. Keeping calm. Exploring.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? The Australian Health Minister, Nicola Roxon to try and persuade her to change the legislation regarding home birth in Australia. Also Sarah Vaughan, my husband's favourite jazz singer, so I could tell him all about her.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? A career in photography. My own house with a backyard and screen printing set-up in the garage. More children.
What are you reading? Franny and Zooey by J.D Salinger.
images courtesy of anna rummey