photographer amanda mclauchlan

Recently I was looking at Rachel Brown's Attia website (okay, I was buying up big on homewares), and stopped to admire the photography. It's by Amanda McLauchlan, who has shot many times for real living magazine. Her work has also been in Gourmet Traveller, House and Garden, Donna Hay, and Vogue Entertaining & Travel.

Which five words best describe you? Loyal, creative, easy going, passionate, hardworking.
How did you get your start in photography and what path have you taken since? I started photography when I was at school and our neighbour had a darkroom that I spent hours in learning the skills of printing my own images. My passion started from here and then I went on and studied Fine Arts at the College of Fine Arts (COFA) at UNSW majoring in photography. After art school I worked as a photographic assistant working with some wonderful photographers who were fabulous teachers. The travel bug then caught me and ended up in London where I continued working as an assistant for several years in which I gained great experience and knowledge. I then returned to Australia and assisted for another year or so until it was time to go out on my own which I have now been shooting editorial, advertorial and advertising for 12 years or so.
What advice would you give to aspiring photographers? If you're really passionate about what you love you can make anything happen.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Travelling the world shooting fabulous stories for various magazines.
What has been your best decision? Choosing a career that is my ulitmate passion. So many people hate their jobs but I love mine and get to work on something new and exciting everyday. Also marrying my gorgeous husband.
Who inspires you? People I work with, nature, artists, photographers, family and friends, films, books, magazines.
What are you passionate about? Life, food, photography, travel, love, art, film, yoga, music.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? David Bowie: I find him intriguing and incredibly creative!
What dream do you still want to fulfil? There is still so much of the world I'd like to see so travelling is high on the agenda. In which I'd love to make a beautiful book documenting my journeys.
What are you reading? The girl with the dragon tattoo by Stieg Larsson.

images amanda mclauchlan