December 23, 2009
thanks for the inspiration!

Every day I'm inspired by not only the people who I get to interview for Daily Imprint but the comments from those who drop by and say a few words. It's always appreciated. And so to say thank you for your support this year I want to offer a lucky dip prize (from products that have been featured on these pages) to five readers who leave a comment over the holidays. I'm going to take a month off so I will let you know the winner on my return.
So, please, let me know what you think about Daily Imprint. I have provided some questions below to get you thinking:
1. Why do you visit Daily Imprint?
2. Which posts have you enjoyed the most?
3. What are your thoughts on the interview questions?
4. Do you prefer the blog to be more or less focused on a particular topic, eg, design?
5. What do you think of the layout, design and images used?
just added - 6. Would you prefer the blog to stick to interviews or are you interested in some posts on projects I'm working on - behind the scenes of photo shoots/previews/etc?
Until then, see you next year when I will be posting some amazing interviews with two people who inspire me greatly - former Domino editor Deborah Needleman and The Sartorialist's Scott Schuman.
Have a great break, and thanks again for your time and support!
Warmest wishes,
image courtesy of raven & lamb