artist junko go

It's been a little while since I've seen an artwork that I've really liked. That was until I saw the work of Junko Go, who is currently exhibiting at the Handmark Gallery in Hobart. I admire that the path she's taken to become an artist was not straightforward, but she made it.

Which five words best describe you? Happy, curious, easy, optimistic and hardworking.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? An interpreter in Japan. After putting myself into the linguistic job for about a decade in Japan, I turned my interest into art at the age of 30. Then, I moved to Australia to live. I was a part-time artist, a Japanese/English tour guide, a Japanese teacher and now I am a full-time artist.
What's your proudest achievement? Several sell-out shows.
What's been your best decision? Sea change to Australia.
Who inspires you? My family - my husband, my daughter & her boyfriend and my dog 'Max'. What are you passionate about? To be a better person.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? Sometimes, we do all the right things for all the right reasons yet we seem to get all the wrong results. Life is full of injustices and inconsistencies, however, efforts are payed off in their own right.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? My mum, who passed away when I was young.
What dream do you still want to fulfill? Having a solo show at Sydney's commercial gallery.
What are you reading? Dan Brown.

images junko go and handmark gallery