icon: peter beard

I first learnt about Peter Beard through Deborah Bibby, editor of real living magazine. I was interviewing her during my guest blog on design*sponge. He was someone who inspired her.

He is an amazing man, and I have thought of him several times before heading to Africa. He creates the most beautiful artworks, which are a collage of photography (often of endangered elephants) and drawings. The images above don't really do justice. If you get a chance you should check out one of his books.

He is a handsome man who is also known for those that he associated with (and took photos of), including Mick Jagger, a slew of supermodels, Jackie Onassis, Truman Capote and other artists of his time, including Francis Bacon.

Peter Beard has written several books on his life in Africa.

images courtesy of peter beard