(design.inspiration) Deon St.Mor

I remember the first time I saw MOR products. It was in David Jones' flagship Elizabeth Street store and I was blown away. I loved the elegance and luxury of the products. When I later found out it was an Australian company, I decided that I must buy them for my girlfriends as gifts as they're well worth supporting, and ideal presents. When I interviewed Deon St.Mor the penny dropped about why the designs of the products are so integral to the success of the brand.

Which five words best describe you? Energetic, Passionate, Outgoing, Motivated and constantly Inspired. All of these are innate characteristics that I embody.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? I’ve only ever worked for myself. I went to university and studied Industrial Design then started my first business straight out of uni. My first company was a multi-disciplinary design practice, my second company was a homewares brand, now I live and breathe MOR.
What’s your proudest achievement? The birth of MOR. I love waking up each day knowing there is so much more potential to go.
What’s been your best decision? Asking the co-founder of MOR, Dianna Burmas out on a date back in 1998. Together we gave MOR life.
Who inspires you? There are certain iconic characters that I admire because they are leaders of their fields, they include: Yves Saint Laurent, Tom Ford and Karl Lagerfeld. They are exceptional at what they do, therefore are inspirational….
What are you passionate about? Everything, from being with my friends, travelling to walking the dogs, eating amazing food, dancing, designing, living life and best of all meeting consumers that love MOR.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? It's to turn a negative into a positive, therefore leading to the knowledge that a mistake may have been made but lets you learn and grow as a result.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? My wife.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Making MOR a truly global beauty brand.
What are you reading? The latest edition of Vogue.

Images courtesy of MOR