November 07, 2008
blogger heather clawson

Oh, to swap places with Heather Clawson for a day. She is the talent behind the fabulous blog, Habitually Chic. I love reading her posts about life in America's interior design world as well as all about the cool openings she goes to in New York. And, most recently, it's been great to see one of Heather's own interior design projects come to life. Pictured above is her work on "Bachelor Pad". Did I say I liked to swap places with Heather for a day? Make that a week. Hell, make it a year!
Which five words best describe you? I asked my friends for help with this one and here's what they came up with: generous, funny, elegant, intelligent and busy!
What's your proudest achievement? I think it was moving to New York. Everyone dreams about it but few do it and I only moved here knowing two people! It's sometimes tough but there is so much to do and see here that it makes it worth it!
Who inspires you? I am inspired by anyone who is doing something they love, especially something creative. There are so many readers sitting in their cubes wishing they were doing something else so I love writing about people who are living their dreams to help inspire them too.
What are you passionate about? I'm passionate about art, design, fashion, photography, and architecture and learning as much as I can about each subject and sharing it with others.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? That it's better to give than to receive. My friends will tell you that I am very generous and always helping others.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? There are so many! Where do I start?! I would love to have a dinner party with Diana Vreeland, Picasso, Peggy Guggenheim, David Hicks, Andy Warhol and Sister Parish.
What's next? I'd love to figure out how to make money from blogging and be able to work for myself! I'd also like to do more styling.
What are you reading? I just got a few books from Rizzoli that I need to read including Regency Redux and Marie-Antoinette and the Last Garden at Versailles. I also just bought Domestic Art. I'm still trying to get through Georgiana. I really have very little time for reading these days. I'm very busy!