November 05, 2008
designer sarah fordham

As someone who cannot sew to save her life I am doubly impressed by these gorgeous cross-stitch brooches. I could buy them all. It was so hard choosing which ones to feature. So, in the end, I went with ones that reflect a little something of my likes (except the rain clouds - but they're so cute!). Check out Sarah Fordham's Etsy site because you'll be sure to find ones that are perfect for you. What great gift ideas, too!
Which five words best describe you? Creative, shy, listener, witty, thoughtful.
What's your proudest achievement? I'm proud of the fact I'm braver than I think I am - twice I have left home to move to a city where I know no one, for the adventure. I once had all three of my entries accepted in an international exhibition - Art of The Stitch and had one of them featured in The Times newspaper. Also, getting featured in blogs like this is fantastic!
Who inspires you? Generally any self-taught creative person, I love being impressed by a piece of work and then discovering the maker taught themselves and had no professional schooling in that field. It makes me feel encouraged that anything I want to achieve creatively, can be.
What are you passionate about? I love making things, film, magazines (Nylon & Vogue!)...
What's the best lesson you've learnt? If you want something - don't let other people tell you that you can't do it. I was told at art college not to pursue Fine Art at university, their reasons being "you won't make any money". I went on to study it anyway. I was told I'd never be able to be a window dresser as it's "too hard to get into" - well I've been doing it for the past year! I also believe in Karma I guess.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Hmm, this is a tough one. I don't think I'd like to meet any of my icons for fear of being disappointed. It would have been nice to meet Hubert Selby Jr as he looked like a sweet chap - I am generally impressed and interested in any self-taught creative person. I also wouldn't mind meeting Jason Lee and Joaquin Phoenix but not to discuss cross-stitch!
What's next? I want to work harder on my Etsy store - I always think I can do better, and I want to do more stalls and sell through other shops etc... I have so many pieces I want to make.
What are you reading? I'm currently reading Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis (I finished American Psycho not long ago and LOVED it so I am on a mission to read all his books by Christmas.) I have also just started Notes From An Exhibition by Patrick Gale. My favourite authors are Rick Moody and Hubert Selby Jr.
Images courtesy of Sarah Fordham