August 18, 2008
artist chris stone

The first two images might seem quite disparate on first glance. But when you look again there is a keen eye for colour in both. That's because Chris Stone is not only a colour trend forecaster, after 35 years in interiors, but he's also a talented artist. After studying design at London's Royal College of Art, Chris worked as a fashion designer for Missoni and Versace. He then worked as head of textile design for Australia's bedlinen company, Sheridan. Now as a colour and trend consultant, Chris also produces the "Colourworks" guide. And in between forecasting and painting, Chris manages to squeeze in time to lecture at the University of Technology Sydney, the College of Fine Arts and at the Whitehouse Institute of Design. Phew! His latest exhibition "Into the light" is on at the Washhouse Gallery, 2-21 September.
What five words best describe you? Energetic, creative, involved, motivated, hard working.
What's your proudest achievement? Being in the right place at the right time and having had more than fifteen minutes of fame.
What was the starting point for this exhibition? Flowers are my passion, finding a new direction of lighter, brighter paintings to re-invent myself. My buyers who keep wanting more floral paintings.
What inspires you? Great colour, craftsmanship not only in design but also art.
What are you passionate about? Great conversation, good food and beautifully designed objects (the Art Deco exhibition in Melbourne was incredible).
What's the best lesson you've learnt? To be grateful for the talents you have. Be respectful of your health and never underestimate freedom.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I would like to meet my mother again. The day the Olympics started was the 20th anniversary of her death
What are you reading? The Tenderness of Wolves by Stef Penney.
Images courtesy of Chris Stone