December 05, 2007
editor bianca tzatzagos
Her craft room - she's always got plenty of projects on the go.
A selection of her favourite things hang on the walls.
Me (on the left) and Bianca in Rue de Buci in Paris a few years back.
Bianca's Editor of the Year award for Homespun magazine.
What five words best describe you? Happy, stressed, talkative, busy and content.
Who or what inspires you? I get inspired by lots of simple things, I think there's so much going on to be excited about. Even just walking into Borders and seeing rows and rows of yummy, shiny, new magazines. Blogs ROCK. I also get incredibly inspired by time. A couple of hours at home can mean a wonderful transformation of a room or a whole new craft project. The potential that time offers is just sublime, don't you think?
What are you passionate about? The people I love. And continuously decorating and redecorating my place (and at the moment, Mum's house).
What has been your proudest moment? Definitely my wedding day.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Well it may be cliché, but that's probably a good sign: to trust my instincts. It's saved me in so many ways.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I think that's too much pressure to place on just one person!! I would like to spend a day working alongside Martha Stewart, and wouldn't refuse if the late Coco Chanel had wanted to measure me for a suit... Or maybe I could commission a portrait from the late Marc Chagall.
What are you excited about? The future.
What’s next? Everything - that's the exciting part!