photographer carlotta moye

There are a handful of names that are synonymous with Australian fashion photography. Carlotta Moye is one of them. She has worked with all of the major magazines and shot campaigns for Sportscraft, Jeans West and Jan Logan. In recent years she has worked regularly with Miranda Kerr, photographing her for covers of Vogue, Rolling Stone and Madison. Others may remember the many covers and shoots she did for the likes of Cleo and Dolly in the 1990s - often with that decade's most in-demand model, Alison Brahe.

Which five words best describe you? Loyal, passionate, funny, impatient, loving.

How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I started in retail at Sportsgirl. I helped out the PR manager on my days off, which lead me to being a fashion assistant at Cleo. From there I became fashion editor at Dolly. With a strong interest in photography since childhood I started to test models in my days off and even shot a swimsuit story for Cosmo while still at Dolly. Eventually I made the break from editor to photographer. Since then I have not looked back. I've travelled the world and worked on some of the best titles and with the most creative teams.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Never forget to respect everyone you work with. You never know - today's fashion assistant will most likely be tomorrow's editor!

What’s your proudest career achievement? Creating lasting relationships with other creatives. Fashion editors I've worked and grown with from day one. Hair and make-up artists and models who I have worked with and who have achieved greatness in our industry. It's about the collaborations. But if I had to pick one? It's yet to happen!

What’s been your best decision? To stop being a fashion editor and to become a fashion photographer. My two passions wrapped up in one job.

Who inspires you? Other female photographers. It's a much harder road.

What are you passionate about? I'm passionate about the Australian fashion industry. I made a doco on Fashion Week in 2000 because I wanted everyone to see how hard we work, and how seriously we take our industry. I think we are full of amazing talent here.

Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Anna Wintour and Carine Roitfeld. Mario Testino. Helmut Newton.

What dream do you still want to fulfil? I still dream of that one shoot I do that takes my breath away. If it was to be for USA or Paris Vogue even better!

What are you reading? The beautiful fall by Alicia Drake. It's the story of Karl Largerfeld and Yves Saint Laurent during the 1970s in Paris. Sexy. Inspirational. Fun.

images courtesy of carlotta moye