August 01, 2011
Reminder: How to create a successful online business

Just a friendly reminder that the last of the FREE Daily Imprint workshops at Apple, Bondi, is on this Thursday.
If you can come along it would be appreciated if you can rsvp to natalie[at] However, you can just turn up on the night
Click on the image to see a larger version, and for dates and times.
What's the topic? How to create a successful online business
What will it cover? It is one thing to have an idea for a design business, but another to make it successful. Meet some of Australia's leading business owners in the design field who have used their online presence to make a real impact with sales and marketing. They will share their expertise on creating strong brands, and reaching out to a large audience. They'll also explain how you don't have to have a physical shop to make an impact in the marketplace. The panel will include Rachel Castle from Castle & Things, Claire Morris and her tech guru Matt Hoggett from Apple&Bee, and Alice Flynn and Sarah Neilsen of Penny Farthing Design House.
How much does it cost? Nothing - it's FREE!
When & where is it? Thursday 4 August (6.30-7.30pm); Apple, Bondi