designer seb brown

There is A Shop Called Milton. In Melbourne. It is a little bit of something to everyone. So old-fashioned and yet so modern. It's where I found Seb Brown. I first spotted his jewellery designs but then found his graphic design work. Both are worth checking out. As are some of his other ventures, including Phuong & Seb's Belt Co.

Which five words best describe you? Observant. Interested. Always making things.

How did you get your career started and what path have you taken since? I started making jewellery at the end of 2009. I started with one sketch of a necklace and it has gone from there. I initially made things for myself and frıends and enjoyed it so I kept going. I studied graphic design and I love to draw and paint. So I can mash them all together and create something exciting. I'm looking forward to the future as my path hasn't been very long!

What's the best lesson you've learnt along the way? That being a self-taught jewellery maker is possible. Also it isn't that difficult to get in contact with people who you admire.

What's your proudest career achievement? Having my jewellery stocked in two retailers in my first 6 months. Also whenever someone says; "I love your ring, where did you get it?" and I can say "I made it!"

What's been your best decision? To work for myself.

Who inspires you? I am inspired by a multitude of things. Particularly by organic textures and forms from flora and geology. I am also fascinated by the lives of people from ancient civilizations and the ways in which they developed their own unique aesthetics with limited outside influence. I am constantly in awe of artists who are willing to push the boundaries, making more headway for all different types of creative people.

What are you passionate about? The environment, gay marriage rights, the beach and surfing, cooking and being cooked for, loyalty, honesty and friendship, dress up parties, the arts, riding my bike, wearing shorts, camping and travelling!

Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Frida Kahlo, although I think she might be a bit intimidating.

What dream do you still want to fulfil? Too many things to mention! Although probably something involving flying.

What are you reading? The adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow and the 'Turkey' sectıon I cut out of my Lonely Planet.

images courtesy of seb brown