Kelly Hawke's inspired by...

One of the hardest working people at real living is editorial co-ordinator, Kelly Hawke. She's inspired by the home of Lonny founder, Michelle Adams:

"I have recently moved into a big terrace house which I love (six months and still haven’t unpacked everything!) and I am constantly inspired by beautiful homes. Working at Real Living means I am always overloaded with inspiring ideas and lovely homes.

"I have been adding lots of images/ideas to my “inspiration” book (and weekend DIY “to-do” list) and Michelle Adams from Rubie Green/Lonny magazine seems to be appearing a lot. I just re-discovered the article in the 2009 July issue of Real Living and the recent April/May issue of Lonny is so inspiring (and features her home again, with a few changes).

"I love her use of colour and feminine fabrics but also how she then pares it back with lots of white and organic pieces (coir rugs, timber, linen) to make it look so liveable."

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