December 17, 2009
artist david bromley
Artist David Bromley has fast become Australia's Andy Warhol, creating instantly recognisable portraits of society's leading figures. David is a man with a vision - and I'm in admiration of that. It seems he's indefatigable - today he opens his second shop - A Day On Earth - this one is in Armadale, Victoria (the other one is in Daylesford). This week he's also just launched A Picture Book First And Foremost for those of us still saving our pennies to buy the real thing. Yes, he's true an inspiration.
Which five words best describe you? Highly strung, exhausted but energetic, dreamer, naïve, idealist (a few extra!).
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My first job was as a paperboy. The journey since then has been very windy with many pot holes.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Getting it started; definitely the first stages of finding a passion.
What’s been your best decision? Having children.
Who inspires you? Tori, my partner, for her constant pursuit of exploring the why's and what’s. Also artists and creative people who go off the well-trodden path such as Andy Warhol, Julian Schnabel and Alexander Calder.
What are you passionate about? Way too many things! That magic that can happen when you keep pushing things around as opposed to the pure form.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? You can’t control things.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Julian Schnabel.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? A more at ease relationship with myself.
What are you reading? In the Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White. Plus a million interiors magazines, and I enjoy CASA Vogue.
images david bromley