October 20, 2009
designer beci orpin

Beci Orpin cannot surprise me. She's always up to something new. And while I still often get the initial flush of, "wow, she did that!", such as when I learnt recently that Beci did the artwork for my current fave album by Whitley, at the same time, I'm never surprised by which corner she turns. Beci has designed women's fashion (the retired Princess Tina line), children's fashion - Tiny Mammoth - she now does homewares and squeezes art exhibitions and album covers in between along with a million other projects. Check out the Christmas issue of real living for some of her cool new cushions.
Which five words best describe you? Aware, enthusiastic, happy, diligent, impatient.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My student job (started when I was 15) was working in a bookshop that sold foriegn language books. I hated it at first, but I ended up working there for 10 years and loving it. I would say it also influenced my work - I spent my weekends surrounded by amazing images I maybe otherwise would not have seen... when I went on to study design I always referenced other cultures and I think my awareness and willingness to look for inspiration in unusual places made the difference in my work.
What’s your proudest achievement? Having my 2 sons - Tyke and Ari.
What’s been your best decision? Buying our house - was completely above what we thought our budget was but somehow we made it work and it was worth it. Now I feel like we never have to move. Also, to finish my women's clothing line Princess Tina when I did (last year) - it was a big part of our business but it was the right time for me mentally to stop it.
Who inspires you? My husband/business partner Raph, my kids, my friend's Shauna and Lawrence, the barista(s) at Seven Seeds cafe, who make the best coffee.
What are you passionate about? My work, my family, my kids' future, planting more trees, equality, learning things the proper way, colour, digging at flea markets, natural birth, baking the best brownies and making the best ice-cream.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Be true to yourself. Be kind. Be honest. Have no regrets.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Raph's papa who passed away before I had the chance to meet him.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? To have an email-free weekend, design and build a holiday house by the beach and illustrate a children's book.
What are you reading? Design as art by Bruno Munari and Nobody told me there'd be days like these by Amanda Maxwell.
images beci orpin and via design*sponge and via the design files