food stylist caroline velik

If you're a real living reader, you may recognise some of the images above. The styling work is from Melbourne's talented Caroline Velik. I first learnt about her while on a photo shoot for a travel diary feature. I was talking to a photographer, asking about great food stylists and she recommended Caroline within a heartbeat. And so real living contacted her and organised a food shoot: the results were amazing. Caroline's work speaks for itself. It makes the meals almost too good to eat!

Which five words best describe you? Calm, positive, organised, helpful, hungry!
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? I taught part time as a modern dance teacher from the age of 16. My path has covered restaurant work (front of house and kitchen on occasions), catering and for the past nine years work as a food stylist. I now have a column in the newspaper where I write recipes.
What’s your proudest achievement? On a personal level my children, as a food stylist my first book Saha with Greg and Lucy Malouf.
What’s been your best decision? To follow my ambition to become a food stylist.
Who inspires you? All the talented cooks and chefs whose recipes I work with.
What are you passionate about? Creating a beautiful image with real food.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Don't give up.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Nigella Lawson.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I would like to travel to the Greek islands (a bit corny - I know).
What are you reading? The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt and The Element by Ken Robinson.

images courtesy of caroline velik and real living