(design.inspiration) scott weston

A little while back when I featured the home of Scott Weston I mentioned that I was going to chase him down to feature on Daily Imprint. He's truly one of Sydney's great architect/designers. Each project he brings new ideas and ways to use colour. Scott's work speaks for itself, don't you think. He is also incredibly giving of his time and a fantastic font of knowledge. I'm always impressed by how quick he is to respond to my interviews, requests and general call-outs for help when I'm writing articles on homes and design.

Which five words best describe you? Passionate. Maverick. Dandyesque. Perfectionist. Detailed.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? Working at the local green grocer and packing and dispatching fruit. I would come home every Saturday afternoon and have spent my earnings on flowers for my mother. Fruit and architecture seems to have no real link but I studied architecture at UTS Sydney and on graduation with scholarships and the university gold medal spent 2 years abroad at the RCA in London.
What’s your proudest achievement? Being able to create environments and spaces for individual clients that are innovative and well crafted that suit their individual needs.
Example: my first project Medusa is still going strong and was voted one of the coolest hotels in the world.
What’s been your best decision? To hang out the shingle of my own architectural practice and having the confidence to listen to your gut instincts and deliver unique projects.
Who inspires you? No real muse or person I place on a pedestal. I admire people who just get out there and do it! No big fanfare but people who are routine, consistent and quality driven in their approach to their business.
What are you passionate about? Educating people about great design. The art of combining architecture, interior design, graphics and furniture into singular projects. Eating great Vietnamese food out at Cabramatta. Taking the everyday/ordinary material and incorporating them into new and unexpected ways onto a project.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Expect nothing and assume nothing when you walk onto a building site. If you are open to change and new ideas from people then that is how you can learn and flourish.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Diana Vreeland- stylish, opinionated and a maverick who was extremely directional in her 'green and salad days'.
What dream do you still want to fulfill? We dream on a daily basis and eventually those dreams become a built reality. I currently have a great stable of challenging clients that currently cause me to constantly dream.
What are you reading? Architectural Digest - Spanish Edition. Chronicles of Narnia. Fornasetti - Designer of Dreams (Thames & Hudson).

Images courtesy of Scott Weston