April 17, 2009
(art.inspiration) michael muir

I don't know if you've ever kicked yourself about not buying a piece of art. I have. I still have the invitation tucked away in a box full of old journals and movie tickets. I can't remember the name of the artist off the top of my head, but I can vividly recall the painting. It's a landscape of North Bondi at dusk. The lights are low and the houses are painted in beautiful warm hues. I see this image often. So when I saw the first image above, which was on an invite for Michael Muir's exhibition at the Arthouse Gallery, I again started thinking about my cherished non-bought painting. It's a similar angle. And I love it.
Which five words best describe you? Motivated, lucky, indecisive, stubborn, punctual.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? First job was a paper run at a young age. I found a great place after a while to hide the extra papers. Subsequently it didn't work out. Over the last 10 years I have worked in everything imaginable. The core issue is to get by and leave plenty of time to work in the studio.
What’s your proudest achievement? In life it would have to be the birth of my two boys and the delight of seeing them grow with my wife. Artistically, I would say getting hung in the Sulman Prize at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.
What’s been your best decision? Working as a graphic designer in the Philippines and coming to the realisation that all I wanted to do was learn to draw and paint. I quit the job, booked a ticket home and enrolled in art school.
What was the starting point for your most recent exhibition? I had a show late last year, which predominately was work that stemmed from the buildings around my studio in Brookvale Sydney. Currently I have finished a body of work which moves closer to home life revolving around journeys to the beach.
Who inspires you? Inspiration comes from the people closest to me.
What are you passionate about? Passionate about cooking when I get the time. In the next life...
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Well I have spent the last 5 years unlearning a whole host of lessons!
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I would have to say Paddy Bedford - seeing his work at the MCA a couple of years ago left me speechless.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I would love to have gallery representation on a international level and to surf at pipeline.
Images courtesy of Michael Muir and Arthouse Gallery