September 01, 2008
designer dainy sawatzky

It could be the age I'm at. It could be becoming a mother, but I'm completely rethinking the clothes I wear. I've always loved colour and like to have fun with clothes, but increasingly I'm looking for pieces that will stand the test of time - both in terms of looks and quality. And so I've fallen in love with the range from Body by talented designer Dainy Sawatzky. I simply don't have the time to trawl through endless shops looking for the right outfit. I want to go to one or two places and nail the purchase first time.
What five words best describe you? A stubborn, hard working, compassionate and shy dreamer!
What's your proudest achievement? My two beautiful kids.
Who inspires you? In a design sense – Akira Isogawa, in a world view sense – David Attenborough, and generally people who help others.
What are you passionate about? Enjoying life and work.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? To stay focused on my own goals and not get distracted by other people's.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? David Attenborough.
What are you excited about? The opening of our new boutique in Healesville, Vitcoria.
What are you reading? Buddhism for Mothers.
What's your proudest achievement? My two beautiful kids.
Who inspires you? In a design sense – Akira Isogawa, in a world view sense – David Attenborough, and generally people who help others.
What are you passionate about? Enjoying life and work.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? To stay focused on my own goals and not get distracted by other people's.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? David Attenborough.
What are you excited about? The opening of our new boutique in Healesville, Vitcoria.
What are you reading? Buddhism for Mothers.
Images courtesy of Body