September 07, 2010
frontliners extra: amanda mahoney
Some homes you walk into and instantly you feel comfortable. You don't have to put on airs and graces, and you can sink into the sofa. The home of Amanda Mahoney, who we shot for Frontliners, is like that. It strikes the perfect balance between being stylish AND livable. It's much like her styling work in general. Check out here home here.
Which five words best describe you? Unequivocal embodiment of Aries archetype.
How did your career start and what path have you taken since? I worked at a store called Cash Palace in Darlinghurst on weekends and school holidays and managed Syds Second Hand clothing store (owned by the same woman) every other weekend. Since I can remember I have been passionate about fashion, this experience cemented my love of clothing, style and design. They were fabulous years in Sydney and these mad creative people were amazing teachers. I knew I wanted to be a stylist I just didn’t know how it happened. I worked as a food stylist, a caterer, a florist, studied overseas, managed an upmarket clothing store, did personal styling, dressed celebrities and executives for events, did interior design and then started buying and doing up houses. Some of these were shot for magazines and a few editors saw them and asked me to do shoots for them – interior and lifestyle styling started from here. My father always said I was a Jack of all trades – I guess it finally paid off!
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Humility – (not always an easy lesson). Be prepared to be humble and start at the bottom, many times over, before you see a result.
What’s your proudest career achievement? The past 2 years have seen me re-start my styling career again – I hope my proudest career achievement is still to come.
What’s been your best decision? Work-wise was to re-focus on styling and put all my energy into starting over again. Personally was the hardest so far - it cost me a lot, but I am free to live life on my terms now.
Who inspires you? I am blessed with great kids, fabulous friends and family and amazing colleagues, all these people inspire me every day.
What are you passionate about? Travel, beautiful hotels, champagne, full blown roses and shoes – always my children.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Dinner at Versailles with Louis and Marie would be pretty good.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? So many dreams and all require hard work and perseverance – fingers crossed they all come true.
What are you reading? Caesar’s Women by Colleen McCullough, I love historical biographies, and every airfreight magazine I can get hold of.
images courtesy of amanda mahoney and frontliners (portrait)