October 07, 2009
photographer steve baccon

What seems like an eternity ago I spent a day with Steve Baccon, photographer extraordinaire, Dumbo feather publisher and founder Kate Bezar, and real living style director Jason Grant running around the streets of Sydney to shoot an eco feature. It was so much fun and so inspiring - not just because I admire Kate greatly and was excited to write about how she (easily and cheaply) lives a "green" life, but also because I got to work with Steve, too. He had photographed me (and a couple of others) for a beauty/fashion makeover feature for real living a little while back (how to reinvent your wardrobe with things you already own) and I thought his images were amazing (mainly of the others - it's too hard to look at pictures of yourself!). Steve's one of those guys who comes across all casual and surfy, but he has more than earned his stripes to get where he is today - he started out doing a photographic cadetship with Fairfax and now photographs the likes of Cindy Crawford - and me! (hehe)
Which five words best describe you? ?????
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? First job was as a porter with Australian Airlines with my brother. I did a photographic cadetship with Fairfax which helped me decide what area of photography suited me best.
What's your proudest achievement? My children, although I didn’t do the hard bit of birth.
What’s been your best decision? Not sure of a single great decision but I have learnt to live with the decisions that you make for one reason or another.
Who inspires you? Anyone who loves and cares what they are doing.
What are you passionate about? My family, photography and surfing but not in any order... can vary on the conditions.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Trust yourself and wear sun screen.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Avedon.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Not sure... very happy at the moment.
What are you reading? Surfing World and Scar Tissue (STILL - takes me so long to finish a book since I have had kids).
images courtesy of steve baccon