April 14, 2009
(design.inspiration) joshua murray

While some cheap copies in recent years have slightly bastardised the beauty of Louis-style chairs, when you see these from Josh & Louis, it's hard not to fall in love with them all over again. That's what's happened with me. I love the colours, the craftmanship, the detail. Oh, and that Italian leather and glass-like lacquer finish is to-die-for. And you can really tell that they've been made with love and a great deal of care, such as hand-tacked seat bases. Long live the king!
Which five words best describe you? Over-thinker, imaginator and visionary, virgo, clean-lined creative, engaging, one with impeccable table manners.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? Well my first job was at 'Food Plus'... my time mostly involved experimentation, including how many Mars Bars me and my colleague could stuff down in a 6 hour shift. My interest in furniture design began about 8 years ago when I sub-leased a design space from a furniture restoration business in Paddington. I was mentored by Michael Kirkman when starting Josh & Louis.... a good friend and an encyclopedia of knowledge.
What’s your proudest achievement? Probably launching L'originale Collection two years ago... I was blown away by the positive feedback!
What’s been your best decision? Getting out of a business during the dot.com boom and taking the plunge... what on earth made me think working a 50hr/wk dungeon desk job would be remotely rewarding??
Who inspires you? It's more where inspires me! Jumping on a plane every year to a new destination around the globe... there is no better creative inspiration/education. From the Versailles Hall of Mirrors, to the temples of Petra, to the backstreets of Ubud.
What are you passionate about? Meticulous detailing, of course great design, most things Italian (a huge sweeping generalisation but those tomatoes, the Amalfi Coast, my upholsterer, and that amazing leather), working with the best artisans, sublime music, people who know how to mix it up, life experience and reward.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? To enjoy dreams but always be present... right now is what really matters.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? It would have to be Mozart - the man was beyond genius. For a casual drink? I'd give Tyler Brûlé a call.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? "The house that Josh built"
What are you reading? Monocle magazine... the perfect bedside journal.
Images courtesy of josh & louis