
zuza zochowski

It's quite surprising to look at naturalistic landscapes that are by a living artist, especially one that is as fresh and young as Zuza Zochowski....

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julian schnabel

The Gramercy Park Hotel is one of his recent projects. His "palazzo" in New York. Inside his digs. One of his films.The man. Flicking through t...

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lizzie buckmaster dove

Yes, Lizzie Buckmaster Dove has been a busy bee. No sooner has her home been featured in Country Style - click here to see some pics - but now she...

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artist donald friend

One of my favourite artists is Raoul Dufy - well, I certainly LOVED his works that are exhibited in the main gallery in Nice, France. When I saw t...

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artist lucy hennessy

Yes, her artworks stopped me in my tracks but what really won me over about Lucy Hennessy is that she'd most like to meet Julian Schnabel. After r...

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artist erin petson

Not so long ago I gave you a sneak peek at some of Erin Petson's work - I was dying to share this great find - click here to see more images. But ...

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photographer elizabeth soule

You may recognise some of these images - I featured the works of Elizabeth Soule a little while back - click here to check out the post. Now that s...

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artist erin petson

Trying to track down Miss Petson is no easy task. So I thought I'd share these examples of her work in the meantime. Aren't they beautiful. She do...

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artist charly wrencher

Coincidence is a funny thing. I'm currently writing a house feature for real living, and one of the paintings in this beautiful home is by artist ...

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artist damien kamholtz

"I told you I would come Mary" "Lamb" "Cordial Christ"Damien at workI don't know quite how the Arthouse Gallery manages to do it - but almost ev...

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